VII CosmoSul - first circular

VII CosmoSul - Cosmology and Gravitation in the Southern Cone
Dear Colleagues,
The VII CosmoSul — Cosmology and Gravitation in the Southern Cone — will take place in Salvador, Brazil, from 19 to 23 August of this year, at the Federal University of Bahia, in a borough of beaches, hotels, and restaurants.
This event is the seventh edition of a biennial meeting whose previous editions occurred in Rio de Janeiro, Valparaíso, Córdoba, and São Paulo. The conference, usually attended by around a hundred researchers, pos-docs, and PhD students, intends to join people from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and other countries of South America working in Cosmology, Gravitation, and Astrophysics.
Our page is online, and registrations and talk submissions are open. There, you will also find information about the plenary talks, the meeting place, and hotels:
For any further information, please write to
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On behalf of the Scientific and Organising committees,
Rodrigo von Marttens (chair)
Scientific Committee:
Jailson Alcaniz, Brazil
Saulo Carneiro, Brazil
Julio Fabris, Brazil
Rodolfo Gambini, Uruguay
Ramón Herrera, Chile
Gilberto Kremer, Brazil
Susana Landau, Argentina
Osvaldo Moreschi, Argentina
Joel Saavedra, Chile
Winfried Zimdahl, Brazil