Please find below some information about the posters.
Login to upload:

  • Format and size: max A0 size (1189x841mm). There is no pre-defined template.

  • How will they be presented?

      - Online participants: they must  upload the poster on the online platform and also a 5 minute audio explaining the work. 
      - In-person participants: there will be a place to physically expose the poster in the event rooms. The in person participant can also upload it on the online platform.
  • There will be a best poster selection. To compete, the rules are:
  • The person must be in the undergraduate, master's or doctoral degree. Postdocs can present a poster but do not compete for awards

  • The poster and the audio must be on the online platform, even for people who participate in person. This is to concentrate all posters on the same platform to be evaluated.

  • Poster and audio must be in English

  • Evaluation criteria:
    • Scientific: The research question must be posed clearly. Show how the problem was solved and conclude concretely and succinctly with the results
    • Appearance: Well-organized, legible figures and not heavy on text
    • Oral presentation (=audio): present the work clearly, making a connection between what the person is seeing on the poster and hearing in the audio 

At the live poster sessions, the panels should be presented in a banner format, not wider than 1 m (Vertical, A0 format recommended). They should be ready to be hanged on a holder as shown in the figure.

Please prepare it in advance with the wire for the positioning.
