Dear colleagues,

It is with great satisfaction that we announce the XLIV Brazilian Worksho on Nuclear Physics. This event will beheld between 9th to 11th of November 2021. The RTFNB is the most important event of the nuclear physics community in Brazil and, due to the continuation of the pandemic, the event will be held for the second time in remote format. The event's program will seek to adapt to the reality we are experiencing, with shorter sessions, but addressing all the issues traditionally present in the meetings. We will have plenary sessions, parallel sessions, spontaneous contributions, panels and the traditional community assembly to discuss issues that are of interest to everyone. Posters submitted for the meeting will be available throughout the event and we will include a session in the program so that panelists can interact with other participants. A reduced registration fee will be charged to cover the necessary technological logistics expenses. The event will be an excellent opportunity for the participation of undergraduate students, as there will be exemption from the registration fee for both SBF member and non-member students. Attendees will have access to high-end scientific programming and will be able to interact and share their research findings via the virtual conference platform. In this way, this edition intends to preserve the tradition of bringing together the Brazilian community of nuclear physics and related areas, which remains active and innovative despite all the challenges of the moment. This year, the event will bring together the following areas:

NB:Low Energy Nuclear Physics
NA: Applied Nuiclear Physics
HA: Hadrons
AE: High Energy Nuclear Physics
FR: Radiation Physics
IN: Nuclear Instrumentation

The event will receive important names in Brazilian science to discuss issues of important social and economic impact, in the search for an effective contribution to the training of young scientists and the consolidation of research carried out by universities and institutes in Brazil, as well as international researchers with vast experience in the field.

Best Regards,

XLIV RTFNB Organizing Committee