Bolsas de Mestrado no LQMEC IFUSP

Mestrado com Bolsa FAPESP no LQMEC IFUSP

The Laboratory for Quantum Matter under Extreme Conditions (LQMEC) is looking for an undergraduate to develop a Master’s thesis (2 years) on Correlated Quantum Matter inside the JP-FAPESP project "An investigation into Topological and Exotic Quantum States under Extreme conditions".

Applicants must send good undergraduate records, a CV (two pages), and a Motivation Letter including two reference e-mails. The selected candidate will accomplish his/her thesis abroad supported by an internship BEPE-FAPESP ( *More information is given during an interview).

CONTACT: Prof. Dr. Julio A. Larrea Jiménez | email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024

*Informações disponíveis em