Apresentações na sessão "Discussing gender questions", organizada pelo GTG-SBF, no Encontro de Física 2016-SBF, Natal, 3-7 setembro, 2016.
- Discussing gender questions, Suani Pinho
- Parte I: Estatísticas, Parte II: Algumas ações feministas nas Universidades e IFs do Brasil, Carolina Brito
Da/sobre a Comissão de Relações de Gênero da SBF
- Questionário Diversidade e Inclusão 2018
Gender Equity in the Brazilian Physics Community at Present Day Fifth IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (2015).
- Mulheres na Física: Casos históricos, panorama e perspectivas, Editora da Física, São Paulo (2015)
- Prefácio in: Mulheres na Física: Casos históricos, panorama e perspectivas (2015).
- Mulheres na Física: uma análise quantitativa in: Mulheres na Física: Casos históricos, panorama e perspectivas (2015).
Sobre América Latina
- journals.plos.org/plosone/
article?id=10.1371/journal. pone.0176791 - The contribution of women in Brazilian science: A case study in astronomy, immunology and oceanography, Jacqueline Leta e Grant Lewison
- A questão de Gênero no Brasil, Jaqueline Leta
- As mulheres na ciência brasileira: crescimento, contrastes e um perfil de sucesso, Jacqueline Leta
- Gênero no Sistema de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação no Brasil, Hildete Pereira de Melo
- Behavioral modulation by mutilation pictures in women, M. G. Pereira, E. Volchan, L. Oliveira, W. Machado-Pinheiro, J. A. Rodrigues, F. V. P. Nepomuceno and L. Pessoa
- Ciência e gênero: para somar esforços e não para dividir espaços, Elza d Costa Cruz Vasconcellos e Sandra Negraes Brisolla
- A Construção da Invisibilitdade das Mulheres na Ciências: a exemplaridade de Bertha Lutz (1894-1976), Margaret Lopes, Lia Gomes Pinto de Sousa e Mariana Moraes de Oliveira Sombrio
- O Laboratório de Pandora, Estudos sobre a ciência no feminino, Fanny Tabak, Garamond Universitária
- Será que as meninas não gostam de matemática, Gicele Sucupira
- O Futuro da Física Depende das Mulheres, Marcia C. Barbosa, Conciência 50 Dezembro (2003).
- Women in Physics in Brazil (web), Marilia Caldas and Marcia C. Barbosa, Proceedings of IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics , AIP Conference Proceedings 268, 135 (2002).
- A Luta por Mais Mulheres na Física , Marcia C. Barbosa, Jornal da Ciência 484, (2002).
- Fazendo Diferenças: teóricas sobre gênero, corpo e comportamento, Maria Teresa Citeli
- Laboratório de Preconceitos, Maria Teresa Citeli
- Mulheres em Ciência e Tecnologia: Ascensão Limitada, Thereza Soares
- Ciencia Tecnologia y Genero, Marta Gonzalez Garcia y Eulalia Perez Sendeno
Material de fora da América Latina : International Reports
- http://www.voced.edu.au/
content/ngv%3A76105 - Report of the Helsinki Group
- Report of the Academies of Science
- Report of the AIP study.
Material de fora da América Latina : Artigos
APS News
- APS News 2016: A Year of Progress for LGBT+ in Physics.
- APS News 1998: Physics and Feminism, Priscilla Auchincloss
- APS News 1997: Points of Derailment: The Making of a Female Physicist, D. E. Pugel
- APS online 1995: Improving the Climate for Women in Physics, by Judy Franz
- APS News 1996: Why Encourage Women to Enter Physics?, Katherine Gebbie
- Nature, March 2016: Turning point: Out for chemistry Nature 531, 265 (10 March 2016)
- Nature, March 2002: Women find it is still a man world at MIT Nature 416, 359 (28 March 2002).
- Nature, October 2000: Japanese court backs woman researcher Nature 407, 935 (26 October 2000).
- Nature September 1999: Why there are there so few women in Science?, Nancy LaneNature Debates, 9 September 1999.
- Science, 1994: " Comparison across cultures" Science 11 March 1994, vol 2623,pp1345-1532 .
- Science, 1999:" Women in Science".Science vol 260, pp275 16 April 1993;pp271,383,401,430.
- Science, 1994: Inteventions to Increase the Participation of Women in Physics, MIldpurple Dresselhaus, Judy Franz, Bunny Clark Science Vol 263, March 1994.
- Science, 1992: " Women in Science" Science vol 255 pp 1363-1388; 13 March 1992.
Scientific American
- Scientific American (October, 2014) How Diversity Makes Us Smarter
- Scientific American (October, 2014) Diversity in Science: Where Are the Data?
- Scientific American (October, 2014) Point of View Affects How Science Is Done
- Scientific American (October, 2014) Diversity in Science: Why It Is Essential for Excellence
Physics World
- Physics World Vol 20, 40 January 2007: "The Secret History", Marcia Barbosa
- Physics World Vol 16, 14 July 2003: "Equity for Women in Physics", Marcia Barbosa
- Physics World Vol 15, 18 March 2002: "Mixing motherhood and science", Gillian Gehing.
- Physics World Vol 15, 17 March 2002: "Turning women into leaders", Katherine Gebbie.
- Physics World Vol 14, 16 September 2001: "PhDs are worth more for women", Gillian Gehing
The Physics
- Physics Enrolments in Australian and New Zealand High Schools at the end of the 20th century, The Physics vol 38, 86 (2001).
- Physics Enrolments in Australian and New Zealand Universities 1994-1999, The Physics vol 37, 15 (2000).
Other Journals
- Women in ICT: international research from a lifecourse perspective, International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology (Vol 3, No 2, 2011)
- New Scientist, The Light and Brilliancy of Marie Curie
- Women in Science, by Jonathan R Cole, American Scientist, Vol 69 p385-391.
- Women's Studies International Forum.
- Journal of Physical Studies" (Lviv, Ukraine)
Material de fora da América Latina : Livros
- The Gender and Science Reader,edited by Muriel Lederman & Ingrid Bartsch
- Nobel Prize Women in Science, Sharon Bertsch MacGrayne
- Triumph of Discovery: Women in Science, Joan Dash, Englewwd Cliffs:Julian Messner, 1991.
- Breakthrough, Women in Science, Diana C. Gleasner, New York: Harcout Brace, 1979.
- Women Pioneers of Science, Louis Haber, New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.
- Contemporary Women Scientists of America, Iris Noble, New York: Julian Mesner, 1979.
- The lady Laureates, Olga Opfell, Scarecrow Press, 1976.
- Women and the Nobel Prize, Barbara Shields, Dilon Press, 1985.
- The Women and the Nobel Prize, New York: Dodd Mead, 1959.
- Women Scientists in America, Margaret W. Rossiter, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982.
- The Science Question in Feminism, Sandra Harding, Cornell University Press, 1986.
- Scientific Elite, Nobel Laureates in the United States, Harriet Zuckermann, macmillan, 1977.
- The Beginning of the Nobel Institution, the Science Prizes 1901-1915, Elisabeth Crawford, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
- A Passion for Physics, Joan Freeman.
- Reflections on gender and science, Evelyn Fox Keller, 1936.
- Book on Nobel Prize Women in Science by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
- Scenes from the life of a female physicist - Changing Roles for Women in Research Universities by Heidi Newberg, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Invited talk, American Physical Society Meeting, April 2001, Washington, DC, session on Recruiting and Retaining Women
- Faces of Feminism by Sheila Tobias.
- Lise Meitner - A Life in Physics, by Ruth Lewin Sime University of California Press.
- Origem do Dia da Mulher, Luciana Taddeo Revista Aventuras na História.
- Unas notas breves sobre mujeres y ciencia, Rafael Garcia Molina.