
During EOSBF 2019, all poster-accepted works will be presented as e-poster in 12 electronic totems. The posters will be presented in totems with 49" digital screen, similar to a TV, but with portrait orientation, as shown in Fig.1.

eposterFig. 1 - Totem to be used in EOSBF 2019.

This year we will try out a modern method of presentation of the posters! Although it is a bit more expensive for the organization, the e-poster is more economical for the participant since it is not necessary to print or transport anything. You can use high quality graphics and all the colors you want. It is also ecologically more friendly, for those of us who care....

Poster Session

During the poster sessions, which are part of the EOSBF 2019 program, the presentations will be evaluated for contents and graphics. Each presenter will have 5 min to address the attending public and should follow the order assigned in the program. Each presenter should look for their assigned totem to present the work in their session on the designated day and time. All the presenters of a poster session must be present from the beginning of their session to ensure the timely progress of the presentations.

Visualization of the works

The E-posters will be available for viewing throughout the event, not just during poster sessions. They can be accessed by any participant in any of the 12 available totems. To do so, simply type the desired poster number then the ENTER key on any totem.

Template and submission

To make your work easier, we provide a PowerPoint template (template ppt) to guide the design of your poster. Pay attention to the size of the poster, which corresponds to the limits of the display screen (49”). The e-poster should be sent in jpeg format (preferably, or ppt) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 20 24 to be sorted and made available for viewing.

Attention: There will be no chance for conventional poster presentations!

Details of e-poster

Download the model: template ppt
Save in jpeg format (preferably, or ppt)
Name the file with the name of the first author + poster number: example silva38.jpg
The poster number is available in the program.

e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline for sending the poster: 05/20/2019. 05/24/2019




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