Gas Electron Multipliers: fundamentals and applications

July 25th to August 5th, 2022 - IFUSP

The 2022 edition of the "Jorge André Swieca" School on Experimental Nuclear Physics of the Brazilian Physics Society will focus on the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), a kind of micro-patterned gaseous detector of radiation widely adopted in high- and low-energy nuclear physics experiments. The GEMs have better stability, radiation resistance, and performance than predecessor technologies.
With this course, students will practice the physical concepts of radiation detection, aspects of construction and implementation of GEMs, computational tools for design and optimization, characterization methods, various applications in science and technology, and lectures by renowned scientists in the field. In addition, many of the skills developed in this course will be readily transferable to other areas of experimental nuclear physics, such as working with data acquisition and processing, signal optimization in detectors, and computer simulations.
Participants are encouraged to present their projects or previous work in a panel session during coffee breaks. The sessions will be open to members of the IFUSP's Department of Nuclear Physics, thus being an excellent opportunity for students to discuss their work with the department's researchers. The intention is to encourage the exchange of information and ideas and promote collaboration.
Candidates may apply for financial support for travel and accommodation costs. Undergraduate students will also be encouraged to participate, especially those at the end of physics and engineering courses, to promote their engagement in the area of experimental nuclear physics.