There is going to be a bus from São Paulo to Maresias on Jan. 30 and back to São Paulo on Feb. 11.


We are trying to check if there are enough people who'd like a bus from/to Rio. If you are interested please click here. If there are not enough people, participants from Rio will receive a R$150 transportation subsidy. Contact Roberto from SBF for more details.

UPDATE: Only 11 people are interested in the bus from Rio, which is unfortunately not enough. Please make your own travel arrangement and contact Roberto for a reimbursement of your travel costs up to R$150. 


Details of the SP --> Maresias --> SP bus

Jan. 30: USP 13:00 --> Guarulhos Airport 14:30 --> Maresias ~17:00

The bus will leave from the parking lot behind the IFUSP (close to the woods). At GRU it will stop in the arrival area of Terminal 2 Oeste (next to the Guarucoop taxi company stand).

Feb. 11: Maresias 10:00 --> Guarulhos Airport ~13:00 --> USP ~14:00

The bus will leave from the hotel. 


For reservations login here. Remember to place a reservation for both legs of the trip!


List of passengers on the SP --> Maresias bus: click here

List of passengers on the Maresias --> SP bus: click here


If you prefer to not use this bus, this is an alternative option: Empresa Litoranea.