
A bus transfer (to go to the venue and back) will be provided for participants attending the XXXVII-RTFNB. The departure and arrival point will be the Institute of Physics of the University of Sao Paulo, IFUSP, according to the following schedule.

From Sao Paulo to Maresias: 8th september

Departure 1 - USP to Maresias (goes directly):

Institute of Physics (IFUSP) - Near to Basilio Jafet Building. Departure at 13h00. Arrival at ~16h30.

Departure 2 - Guarulhos Airport to Maresias:

Departure at 14h30 - from Terminal 1A. Arrival at ~17h00.

From Maresias (hotel) to Sao Paulo - 12th september

Departure 1:

Maresias (9h00) --> Guarulhos Airport (~12h30)

Departure 2:

Maresias (10h00) --> Institute of Physics (IFUSP) (~13h30)

Transport registration


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