The SBF Spring Meeting brings together the scientific community from two traditional Brazilian meetings, the Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics and the National Meeting on
Particles and Fields, both with more than 40 editions. In 2023, the event will be held at Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, between September 26th to 29th and will cover the following topics:
● GRC - Cosmology and Gravitation
● QFT - Quantum Field Theory and Mathematical Physics
● NTE - Theoretical Nuclear Physics - Nuclear reactions and structure
● NEX - Experimental Nuclear Physics - Nuclear reactions and structure
● PHE - Hadronic and Particle Physics
● HEX - High-energy nuclear physics - experimental
● APL - Applied Nuclear Physics
● INS - Instrumentation for nuclear experiments
● DCE - Outreach and Teaching on Nuclear Physics
● APA - Nuclear Astrophysics
The program will include Plenary talks, Parallel sessions and poster sessions. This is an opportunity for students and scientists to share their results and discuss important issues in their fields. We invite you to join us in this meeting.
Scientific Commission
Antônio Duarte (IFUFF)
Bruno Penteado Monteiro (IFUSP)
Dionisio Bazeia Filho (UFPB)
Kelly Cristina Cezaretto Pires (IFUSP)
Roberto Linares (IFUFF)
Sergei Anatolyevich Paschuk (UTFPR)
Committees Nuclear Physics and Applications Carla Regina Alves Carvalho (UFF) Fábio Luiz Melquiades (UEL) Fernando Navarra (USP) Letícia Faria Domingues Palhares (UERJ) Valdir Guimarães (USP) |
Particles and Fields Physics |