The abstract is limited to one page (A4 format) and must be written in English. There are two types of presentation: poster and oral. Those applying to the oral presentation must wait for confirmation.
A template for the abstract can be accessed in the following link: template

The submission process consists of 4 steps.

1. Selection of your research topic:

GRC - Cosmology and Gravitation
QFT - Quantum Field Theory and Mathematical Physics
NTE - Theoretical Nuclear Physics - Nuclear reactions and structure
NEX - Experimental Nuclear Physics - Nuclear reactions and structure
PHE - Hadronic and Particle Physics
HEX - High-energy nuclear physics - experimental
APL - Applied Nuclear Physics
INS - Instrumentation for nuclear experiments
DCE - Outreach and Teaching on Nuclear Physics
APA - Nuclear Astrophysics

2. Type of Presentation:


3. Authors and affiliations: authors should be grouped by affiliations, separated by comma (,), and entered institution by institution. The presenting author must be preceded by the asterisk symbol (*). Names should follow the order:

First name (or initial and dot)
Middle name (or initial and dot)
Last name (full)

First Author, *Second Author, Third Author
F. Author, *S. Author, T. Author
(In this case, the second author is the presenter)

4. Attach a pdf file with the abstract body (maximum size 500kB).