The Spring Meeting on Google Maps:
The Spring Meeting of the Brazilian Physical Society will take place at the Fluminense Federal University’s campus, in Niterói. Access from Rio de Janeiro is either by car/bus (through Rio-Niteroi bridge) or ferries (Barcas).
Opening and Plenary sessions will be at the Sala Nelson Pereira dos Santos, in Gragoatá (see point B in the map below). Parallel sessions, Oral communications and poster sessions will be at the Praia Vermelha campi (see point A in the map below). These two points are 15-min walking distance apart.
Plenary sessions
Sala Nelson Pereira dos Santos, no campus Gragoatá (PONTO B).
End.: Av. Visconde do Rio Branco, 880 - São Domingos, Niterói - RJ, 24210-200
Referência: Reserva Cultural Niterói.
Parallel, oral communications and poster sessions
Campus Praia Vermelha (auditórios da Física, NAB e Computação).
Entrada 1: Rua Passos da Pátria, 156
Entrada 2: Av. Milton Tavares de Souza, s/n