The 2023 Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Physical Society (EOSBF-2023) will take place from May 21 to 25, 2023, in Ouro Preto - MG, Brazil. Held since 1978, the Autumn Meeting is the largest meeting organized by the Brazilian Physical Society, bringing together approximately one thousand researchers dedicated to the following topics:

- Semiconductors
- Magnetism
- Superconductors and strongly correlated systems
- Surfaces and thin films
- Nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Polymers and complex fluids
- Materials science
- Biological physics
- Medical physics
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Optics and photonics
- Statistical physics
- Quantum optics 


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neovision IOPP logo RGB  Bruker 
Materials Horizons Journal Promo 82x25 graphite  Journal of Materials Chemistry C Journal Promo graphite  PCCP Journal Promo 82x25 graphite 2400dpi