

Prof. Mauricio Terrones
Director, Center for 2-Dimensional and Layered Materials
Director, NSF-IUCRC Center for Atomically thin Multifunctional Coatings (ATOMIC)
The Pennsylvania State University
Title: "Defect control in 2D materials: From magnetism to optoelectronic and bio-applications”


Prof. Nicola Marzari
Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials, EPFL
Director, National Centre for Competence in Research NCCR MARVEL, SNSF
Head, Laboratory for Materials Simulations, Paul Scherrer Institut
Title: "To see a world in a grain of sand”


Profa. Ulrike Diebold
TU Wien, Inst. of Applied Physics, Vienna, Austria
Title: "Where Physics Meets Chemistry”


Luiz Davidovich
UFRJ- Brasil   
Title: "Physics, information, and the new quantum technologies”
Adrian Feiguin
Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Title:“The quantum many-body problem in the age of machine learning"
Adriana Moreo
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)
Title: "Orbital-selective Mott physics in iron-based ladder systems"
Andrea Bragas
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Title:"Nanomechanics with plasmonic nanoantennas"
Antonio Varandas
Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
Title:"Toward ``Green Computing'': Accurate Quantum Chemistry via Extrapolation"
Bruno Loureiro
École Normale Supérieure (France)
Title:“What Statistical Physics can teach us about Machine Learning?"
Claudio Mirasso
IFISC, Universitat de les Illes Balears
Title: "Emergence and Dynamics of Prediction Error Neurons in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex"
Cyriaque Genet
Université de Strasbourg (France)
Title:"New twists in chiral light-matter interactions"
Eduardo Cisternas
Universidad de La Frontera (Chile)
Title:"Layered materials for ion intercalation-type batteries"
Felipe Jornada
Stanford University (USA)
Title:"Driving flatland out of equilibrium: giant exciton-driven Floquet effect and optical nonlinearities in atomically thin materials"
Gerard F. Goya
Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Title:"The use of Magnetic Nanozymes to regulate Cell Oxidative Stress and Free Radical Generation"
Giacomo Roati
University of Florence (Italy)
Title:"Persistent currents in strongly-correlated atomic Fermi superfluids" 
Hernan Makse
The City College of New York (USA)
Title:"Symmetries of Living Systems"
Herre van der Zant
Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
Title:"Nanomechanical sensing of antiferromagnetic order"
J. Anibal Boscoboinik
Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
Title:"Trapping single atoms of noble gases in nanocages: from fundamental studies to applications"
Jaroslav Fabian
University of Regensburg (Germany)
Title:"Spintronics with van der Waals heterostructtures"
José Soares Andrade Junior
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Title: "A Maximum Entropy Model for the Network of Commercial Transactions between Cities based on Data from Electronic Invoices" 
Leticia Cugliandolo
Sorbonne Université (France)
Title: "Structure and dynamics of Active Brownian Particles in two dimensions"
Luis Martín Moreno
Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Title:"Nanophotonics with Phonon Polaritons: ultra-confined light and ultra-strong coupling regime”
Marco H. D. Guimarães
University of Groningen (Netherlands)
Title:"An Ultrafast View on the Magnetization Dynamics of Van der Waals Magnets"
Maria Godinho
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal)
Title:"Cellulose-based self-assembled liquid crystalline structures"
Mariana Rossi
MPI for Structure and Dynamics of Matter (Germany)
Title:"Quantum Fluctuations in Weakly Bound Materials"
Mohamed Henini
University of Nottingham (UK)
Title:"Quantum dots for advanced applications in OPtoelectronics"
Olivier Dauchot
CNRS (France)
Title:"When active matter turns solid : from collective motion to collective actuation"
Pablo Ordejon
Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (Spain)
Title:“DFT and QM/MM simulations of electrified interfaces using Non-Equillibrium Green's Functions"
Patricio Provasi
Northeastern University, CONICET (Argentina)
Title:"Some recent findings plus some developments in NMR spectroscopy"
Paulo Araujo
University of Alabama (USA)
Title:"Probing physicochemical properties of molecular and quase-molecular systems with optical spectroscopy"
Paulo Eduardo de Faria Jr.
University of Regensburg (Germany)
Title:"Valley Zeeman physics in van der Waals heterostructures"
Peter Fischer
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
Title:“Advanced magnetic X-ray spectromicroscopies of future spintronic materials”
Peter Skabara
University of Glasgow (Scotland)
Title:“Hybrid organic/inorganic devices for lighting and displays"
Ricardo Martinez-Garcia
Title:"Spatially explicit models of population dynamics: a dialogue between statistical physics and ecology"
Rodrigo Freitas
Title:“Local chemical order in high-entropy alloys"
Ruidong Xia 
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecomm (China)
Title:"Concurrent multiwavelength amplified spontaneous emission from solution processible organic and perovskite film stacks: a simple solution for full-color laser display panel"
Silvina Ponce Dawson
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentine
Title:"Effective and free calcium diffusion inside cells"
Stefan Boettcher
Emory University (USA)
Title:“Relaxation and aging in complex energy landscapes"
Stephan Kummel
University of Bayreuth (Germany)
Title:“Simulating materials with Density Functional Theory: The quest for functionals that balance accuracy and efficiency"
Su Ying Quek
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Title:“Many-body effects on the Magnetic and Optical Responses of Emerging Quantum Materials"
Tatiana Rappoport
Departamento de Física Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Title:"Current induced optical gain in materials with Berry curvature dipoles"
Thomas Vojta
Missouri University of Science and Technology (USA)
Title:“Collective modes at a disordered quantum phase transition"
Tomás S. Grigera
Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)
Title:“Towards a statistical physics theory of collective animal movement: the case of starling flocks"
Willi Auwärter
Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Title:“Molecules on metals: On-surface reactions and atomic-scale insights"
Abner de Siervo
Title:“On-surface synthesis of planar carbon lattices: porous nanoribbons and nanomembranes" 

Adilson J. A. de Oliveira
UFSC- SP, Brasil
Title:“Emergent magnetism due to defects and impurities"
Afranio Rodrigues Pereira
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - MG, Brazil
Title:“Frustration in nanoflatland: Nambu monopoles in artificial spin ices"
Alexandre Magnus Carvalho
Title:“Magnetocaloric and barocaloric effects in spin-crossover materials"
Alisson Ronieri Cadore
CNPEM, Brasil
Title:“Exploring the use of natural insulating layered materials in van der Waals heterostructure applications"
Ana Maria de Paula
UFMG - Brasil
Title: "Evaluation of cancer biopsies by multiphoton imaging and machine learning techniques"
Ana Paula Ramos
Departamento de Química-FFCLRP - USP
Title:“Biomaterials containing strontium: the good guys or the villans in bone-related therapies?"
Anderson Gomes
UFPE - Brasil
Title:“The Wonderful World of Random Lasers and Random Fiber Lasers”
Andre Citrim
DF-UFSCar, Brasil
Title:"Collective Phenomena and Correlations in Ensembles of Dipole-Dipole Interacting Atoms"
Andre Henriques
USP-SP, Brasil
Title:“Light switching of ferromagnetism in naturally magnetic semiconductors"
Andrey Chaves
UFCE, Brasil
Title:“Flattening conduction and valence bands of moiré patterned van der Waals bilayers"
Andris Figueiroa Bakuzis
UFG, Brasil
Title:“Magnetic Cancer Nanomedicine: Challenges and Opportunitie"
Antonio Azevedo
UFPE, Recife, Brasil
Title:"Interplay between spin and orbital degrees of freedom"
Barbara Amaral
Universidade de São Paulo-SP, Brasil
Title:“Non-locality and contextuality as a resource for the certification of quantum devices“
Bernardo Neves
UFMG, Brasil
Title:"Exploring low-dimensional materials with scanning probe microscopy"
Bruno Mota
UFRJ, Brazil
Title:"A new morphological syntax for the cerebral cortex"
Caetano Miranda
Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Title:“Unveiling the phenomena of nanoconfined interfaces"
Caio Lewenkopf
UFF-RJ, Brazil
 Title:"Topological phase transitions in strongly disordered topological insulators"
Carlos Alberto Costa
Title:“AFM: dos primeiros passos à transformação em uma plataforma de microscopias"
Carlos Egues
Title:"Superconducting diode effect in Andreev quantum dots"
Carolina Brito
UFRGS, Brasil
Title:"Wetting of hydrophobic surfaces: results from theory and simulations"
Carsten Enderlein
CBPF-RJ , Brasil
Title:"Strong correlations and Weyl physics in elemental tellurium"
Celia Anteneodo
PUC, RJ - Brazil
Title:“Minimalist thermal diode"
Christiano Santiago de Matos
Mackenzie-SP, Brasil
Title:“Nonlinear optics in 2D materials: from structural characterization to photonic application"
Christoph Deneke
Title:"Using rolled-up tubes for tuning optical properties of quantum emitters"
Danilo B. Liarte
ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research, SP- Brasil
Title:“Disordered Elastic Systems: Statistical Physics and Recent Developments"
Diego Muraca
Title:“Nanoparticle Magnetism: Fundamentals and applications"
Domingos Salazar
UFRPE, Brasil
Title:“Thermodynamic uncertainty from involutions"
Eder Guidelli
Title:“Theranostic Nanodevices to Optimize Radiation Dose Delivery and Detection”
Eduardo Granado
Unicamp-SP, Brasil
Title:"Correlated Charge- and Spin-State-Order Transitions in a Cobalt Oxyborate"
Fabiano Bernardi
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Title:“Unraveling events at the atomic scale using cutting-edge characterization"
Fanny Béron
Title:"Merging first-order reversal curve (FORC) technique to multilayers hosting magnetic skyrmions: why and how?"
Felipe Rosa
Title:"Quantum Electrodynamics and New Materials"
Felix Guilhermo Hernandez
USP-SP, Brasil
Title:"Terahertz Spectroscopy of Chiral Phonons"
Fernando Luis de Araujo Machado
Title:"The Giant Magnetoimpedance: Celebrating its 30th Anniversary!"
Flora Bacelar
UFBA - Brasil
Title:"A mathematical study of the Virus Hypothesis in Coral Bleaching"
Gilvania Vilela
Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil
Title:"Spin waves and the next-generation of computing devices"
Gregorio Couto Faria
IFSC-USP, Brasil
Title:"Understanding Fundamental Processes in Organic Electrochemical Devices: A Thermodynamic Approach"
Gustavo Wiederhecker
Title:"Harnessing optical non-linearities with integrated photonic structures"
Hallen Daniel Rezende Calado
UFMG - Brasil
Title:"Development of new hybrid materials (mwcnt@conductive polymer) with electrochromic enhancement"
Hans Herrmann
UFCE - Brasil
Title:"Frustrated Bearings"
Herbert Georg
UFG, Brasil
Title:"Solvent effects on the electronic structure of molecules using a discrete model"
Ingrid David Barcelos
Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS/CNPEM), Brasil
Title:"Polariton Engineering with Quantum Materials"
Jenaina Ribeiro Soares
UFLA, Brasil
Title:"Phonon analysis of naturally occurring two-dimensional van der Waals materials"
Jeovani Brandão
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), CNPEM, SP, Brasil
Title:"Spin textures stability at room-temperature and zero-field in ferri/antiferromagnetic synthetic multilayers"
Jérôme Depeyrot
UnB - Brasil
Title:"Recent Developments on magnetic nanofluids for targeted applications"
José Antonio de Souza
UFABC, Brasil
Title:"Entropy-driven stabilization of high symmetry phase and semiconducting/magnetic properties in halide perovskites"
José Soares Andrade Junior
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil 
Title:"A Maximum Entropy Model for the Network of Commercial Transactions between Cities based on Data from Electronic Invoices"
Julio Criginski Cezar
CNPEM, Brasil
Title:"Shinning light on magnetism: using synchrotron radiation to investigate magnetic materials"
Kaline Coutinho
USP-SP, Brasil
Title:"Interactions of antimicrobial peptides and fluorescent probes with lipid membranes: a Molecular Dynamics view"
Kleber Pirota
Title:"Artificial kagome spin ice magnetic phase recognition from the initial magnetization curve"
Lara Kühl Teles
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA, Brasil
Title:"Accurate and Efficient Approximate Quasiparticle DFT-1/2 Electronic Structure Calculations applied to Perovskites"
Lauro Tomio
Universidade Estadual Paulista, SP, Brazil
Title:"Bosonic condensates with binary atomic mixtures: Dynamical stability and vortex pattern production"
Leticia Ribeiro de Paiva
UFSJ- Brasil
Title:"Complexity & termite movement patterns"
Lívia Gomes
UFMG - Brasil
Title:"Label free optical sensing and characterization of biomolecules in complex samples"
Lucas Madeira
Universidade de São Paulo IFSC/USP, Brasil
Title:"Turbulence and other out-of-equilibrium phenomena in Bose-Einstein condensates"
Luciana Magalhães
UFMA, Brasil
Title:"Physical virology: a physics perspective for the study of viral particles"
Lucimara Stolz
UFPR, Brasil
Title:"Flexible electronics based on conjugated polymers, oxides and carbon nanostrucutures"
Lucio Strazzabosco Dorneles
Title:"Proximity induced moment at Pt/Co interfaces"
Luis Guilherme de Carvalho Rego
UFSC, Florianopolis, Brasil
Title:"Quantum Mechanical Assessment of Optimal Photovoltaic Conditions in Organic Solar Cells"
Marcelos Lima Peres
UNIFEI, Brasil
Title:"Magnetotransport methods for detection of Diract fermions in topological insulators"
Marcio Bettega
UFPR, Brasil
Title:"Elastic and electronically inelastic scattering of electrons by molecular targets"
Marcio Peron Franco de Godoy
UFSCAR, Brasil
Title:"Managing functionalities in oxide thin films"
Márcio Santos Rocha
UFV, Brasil
Title:"Optical trapping and manipulation of new materials: fundamentals and applications"
Marcio Varella
USP, Brasil
Title:"Positronium and Positronic Molecules in Liquids"
Marco Cremona
PUC-Rio, Brasil
Title:"Organic devices and biocompatible substrates for Photodynamic Therapy and sensors"
Marcos Farina
Biofísica - UFRJ, Brasil
Title:"Biomineralization: context, relevance, extent, selected examples, biomineralization & biomaterials"
Maria Carolina Aguiar
Departamento de Fisica - ICEx - UFMG
Title:"Quench dynamics of strongly correlated systems"
Maria das Graças Fialho Vaz
IQ-UFF, Brasil
Title:"Why using organic radicals for magnetic materials?"
Maria do Socorro Nogueira
Title:"Dosimetry and breast cancer screening in Brazil"
Mariana Malard Sales Andrade
UNB, Brasil
Title:"Less is more: Making advanced topological materials by removing atoms from common structures"
Marilia Caldas
USP, Brasil
Title:"Electronic and optical properties of monolayer and bilayer CN3"
Matheus Gamino Gomes
UFRN, Brasil
Title:"The role of the interface on spin to charge current interconversion in hybrid magnetic insulator/normal metal heterostructures"
Matheus J. S. Matos
UFOP, Brasil
Title:"Modelling atomically-thin van der Waals materials at high pressures"
Mauro Copelli
UFPE - Brazil
Title:"Unconventional criticality, scaling breakdown, and diverse universality classes in the Wilson-Cowan model of neural dynamics"
Maycon Motta
UFSCar, Brazil
Title:"Controlling superconducting properties in nanoengineered superconducting thin films and hybrids"
Mercedes Arana
UFRJ - Brasil
Title:"Magnetic and structural properties of Py thin films in substrates with periodic roughness"
Michelle Oliveira de Araujo
UFPE, Brasil
Title:"Lévy flights of photons in atomic systems"
Miguel A. Novak
IF-UFRJ - Brasil
Title:"The evolution of Molecular Magnetism in the last decades."
Mônica Cotta
Unicamp, Brasil
Title:"Bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation: What can we learn by engineering materials and interfaces?”
Nathan Viana
UFRJ - Brasil
Title: "Optical tweezers as force and displacement sensors to characterize the cell membrane physical properties"
Odilon Couto Jr.
Title:"Probing the interaction of nanostructures and surface acoustic waves"
Oswaldo Novais de Oliveira Jr.
Title:"What will be left for physicists after the artificial intelligence revolution?"
Paulo A. Maia Neto
UFRJ, Brasil
Title:"Recent applications of optical tweezers: from Casimir force measurements to enantioselective manipulation of chiral particles"
Rafael Otoniel da Cunha
UFV, Brasil
Title: "Spin-to-Charge current conversion enhancement in graphene/WS2 heterostructure"
Rafael Sá de Freitas
USP, Brasil
Title:"Impact of structural disorder on the magnetic properties of geometrically frustrated magnets"
Ricardo Donizeth Reis
CNPEM, Brasil
Title:"Pressure tuning of unconventional superconductors: Insights into phase diagrams"

Rodrigo Pereira
Title:"Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of Majorana zero modes in a Kitaev spin liquid"
Rogerio Paniago
Universidade Federal de Belo Horizonte (UFMG)
Title:"Applications of scanning tunneling spectroscopy to two-dimensional materials"
Romain Bachelard
UFSCAR, Brasil
Title:"Anderson localization of light in two and three dimensions"
Sabrina Silva Carara
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso , Brasil
Title:"Low dimensional materials: an investigation by first principles"
Sergio Rezende
UFPE - Brazil
Title:"Spintronics: Fundamentals and recent results"
Suani Pinho
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Title:"Challenges in modelling communicable diseases"
Sukarno Olavo Ferreira
UFV - Brasil
Title:"MBE growth of highly mismatched heterostructures and thin films on Si(111): structural and optical properties''
Thereza Paiva
UFRJ - Brasil
Title:"Geometrical effects on thermopower properties of correlated electrons"
Thiago Souza
Exploration and Mineral Projects - Vale
Title:"Challenges in Surface Oxidation and Flotation Recovery for Cooper Sulphide" 
Tulio Rocha
CNPEM - Sirius
Title:"Perspectives of Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering applied to thin films and 2D materials at Sirius"
Victor Lopez-Richard
UFSCAR, Brasil
Title:"The ubiquitous memory emergence in solids: genesis and consequences"
Vinicius Manzoni
Universidade Federal de Alagoas - Brasil
Title:"Disentangling structural and polarization effects on the linear and nonlinear optical response of a chromophore caused by a solvent environment"
Vivian Franca
UNESP-SP, Brasil
Title:"Condensed matter methodologies as a test bed for quantum information concepts"
Walber Hugo de Brito
UFMG, Brasil
Title:"Electronic correlation effects in plutonium and iron-based materials"
Waldemar Macedo
Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear - CDTN
Title:"Depth-resolved studies and interfacial effects in Fe-based layered magnetic nanostructures"